Thursday, April 23, 2009

Vomit inspired upholstery

These 2 patterns are from Parisian buses. Funnily enough, the pattern on the right (which makes me think of baby food mixed with vomit) is on the brand new buses on my route. The seating configuration is different and the poles in the middle have 3 prongs to give more hand-hold room. There’s even the snazzy ticker tape sign that gives the ETA of the next and final destinations. Nearly everything about the new bus is modern….except the seat patterns. Who is the person who designed this pattern and why were they allowed to spread this ugliness??


Anonymous said...

Boston redid a number of their train seats with some equally barf-worthy upholstery recently. When I asked someone why they hadn't chosen a better pattern they told me the pattern was ugly for exactly that reason - So when it gets 'nastied on' nobody will really notice.

Polly-Vous Francais said...

I liked the old pattern so much more: relatively soothing, and it looked a bit like the RATP logo. The new fabric is gross, as is the attempt to make the buses sunny on the inside. The new extra hand-holders are a plus, maybe.

But thinking about Hannahinmotion's comment, I've always worried a little about the foam-y fabric seats on the bus, and what nasties lurk therein.

Also some buses now have -- egad-- extra-wide seats. I presume it's just so that couples, or a parent with a child, can double up.

A (Parisian) Seattleite back in Seattle said...

Hannahinmotion - that makes sense, it's just so unpleasant to look at...

Polly-Vous - I'd rather not think about the nasties. Maybe the extra-wides are...never mind, I won't go there. :)