Monday, January 19, 2009

Walkable Seattle


Anonymous said...

I've involved you in a "tag". It's the first one I've been invited into so hope I've done what I needed to do....
The idea is you dig out the fourth item from the fourth folder on your computer, post it, talk about it and also tagged four other people....

jonnifer said...

Congrats! SF is #1, as always. ;)

I couldn't help but notice that most of the more walkable cities are in the North and the less walkable cities are in the South. Interesting.

Chicago for #4 is questionable. Once you get into individual neighborhoods they are walkable but it is much harder to get around if you don't have a car. Not like SF or Paris (or Seattle?), where you can truly be happily carless.

A (Parisian) Seattleite back in Seattle said...

Yeah, some of the cities were "interesting" choices.