Monday, December 1, 2008

A French Award

I was given A French Award by Marilyn Radzat at As Seen Through My Eyes. The rules for the award are:
1. Please put the logo on your blog
2. Place a link to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs
4. Put the links of those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them

So here goes:

Stuff Parisians Like
Chitlins & Camembert
News From France
4. Life in France
Everyday France

I cheated a bit and didn’t do 7, but I want to give
Paris Daily Photo (which was already given the award) and The Paris Blog, honorable mentions.


islandgirl4ever2 said...

YAY!! Thanks so much for the award!! It totally made my day! I am honored and will be extremely happy to pass it on!!! Cheers and congrats to you on being awarded!!! --Leesa

Lulu LaBonne said...

Congratulations - and I must say that your Monmartre pix are jolly nice.