Thursday, November 13, 2008

Market Etiquette

After returning from my first long weekend chez les faux in-laws, the Brit and I went to the market. We stopped at one of the stands and when the man finished helping his customer and got us I told him (in French) that we would like a small roast chicken with potatoes. His reply was “s’il vous plait”. Oops…


Isabelle said...

Yes, I know how embarassing it can be (and I'm French!).
I always make sure to say Bonjour before asking for anything in stores or at the market, because if I don't I'm reminded very clearly that I forgot to say the "magic" word!

Anonymous said...

HA! Same thing happened to me in the following countries: Italy, Mexico, and Spain.
Good times.

A (Parisian) Seattleite back in Seattle said...

Even after 5 years here, I still forget sometimes.